Sources of Information

Compiling information for the Yearbook of International Organizations involves a year-round process of research and editing. Proofs of organization descriptions are sent out by post, email and fax for the organizations themselves to correct. The average response rate is 35%, ensuring highly reliable information. Proofs are supplemented with information from websites, annual reports, newsletters and other documents. Organizations that do not respond to the proofs are followed up with telephone calls, or researched via the Internet.

Editorial Treatment

The editorial intent is not to provide a "judgement" or "definition" of an organization, and priority is normally given to providing a profile in the words of the organization itself. Every effort is made by the editors to check this information against other sources. The information is at no time considered complete, rather it reflects a "work in progress".


The editors are occasionally subject to pressure from international bodies to suppress certain categories of information. In some cases, the entry is reworded to respect the concern of the body in question. No entries are eliminated as a result of such pressure.